
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2008

Nyoba answering machine

M esin penjawab atau biasa di sebut answering machine adalah sebuah mesin penjawab otomatis yang terhubung dengan telepon. mesin ini berfungsi sekali jika kita sedang tidak ada dirumah atau sedang tidak dapat menjawab telepon kita maka mesin tersebut lah yang menjawab panggilan kita dengan menyuruh si penelepon meninggalkan sebuah pesan. kemudian kita bisa mendengarkan pesan tersebaut setelah kita sempat. mesin ini sangat berguna bagi kehidupan kita so try it ya....

My new iPod

Listening music is the relax thing. music can make our mind more fresh and also more enjoy our life. yesterday was a beatifull day for me. cause my uncle gave me an iPod. he tell me that he found this product on the internet . He also bought some iPod to their childreen too. there were three iPods he bought. the specification as iPod with 8Gb storage`s , iPod 16Gb Storage`s and the last is iPod with 32Gb storage`s . There were a storage which we could save more music (*.mp3). and it was also has excess on touch the screen like a PDA. nowadays this products is the most likely for everyone. everyone will be happy listen the music. in particulary we use the iPod , it will be more enjoy to listen the music. thank you very much my uncle, it was useful.