Berita HOAX dari Malingsialaassyyyuuuu
Ada ada aja ni kerjaan malayssiiiaassyuuuu aka malingshit aka malingsial aka malaybusuk aka ahh banyak banget deh,,,hahaha jadi tu pada tanggal 28 Januari 2010 ada salah satu komunitas hacker malay yg mengaku udah deface ServerIsDown aka SID ,, berikut isi beritanya... Website: Server IS Down URL: DISCLAIMER : All the information related to computer crimes (i.e. defacements) contained in were either collected online from public sources or directly notified to us. is neither responsible for the reported computer crimes nor it is directly or indirectly involved in them. Coba kalian perhatikan gambar tersebut...pasti bakal ngakak... fakta-fakta HOAX 1. Dari mirror. Gak ada mirrornya neh (karena emang gak ada yang di deface), cuma ada screenshoot... padahal site mirrow banyak kaya zone-h atau mirrorin aja di indeves kwkwkw 2. Pada title bar tertulis “hacked by KBHC feat OKC” sedangkan pada tab-bar ...